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27 Nov 2024

Improved flight manifest accuracy with personalised weight calculations

V 5.17.5

Available from 27 November 2024




Improved flight manifest accuracy with personalised weight calculations

We have improved the flight manifest process for bookings made in INX+Process, ensuring more accurate and personalised weight calculations for both passengers and baggage. Previously, bookings scheduled through INX+Process automatically set baggage and person weights to fixed values of 30KG and 70KG, respectively, leading to differences in bookings. Within this release, the baggage and person weights are set based on the following rules:

  • Person Weight: Flight bookings will now reflect the person’s weight based on their profile preferences. If weight preference is specified, the weight will default to the profile’s gender class.
  • Baggage Weight: Baggage weight will now be set according to the profile’s default preference or overridden with the value entered by the user in the short-term travel item.

These updates ensure that flight bookings made in INX+Process are consistent with those made in INX InFlight, enhancing the accuracy of flight manifests for all clients.

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