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20 Sep 2024

Incremental loads now include events logged during load process, event dimension and fact data now match INX InControl source data

V 2024.4.9

Available from 20 September 2024




Incremental loads no longer skip events logged during the load process

To allow incremental data loads in large, high-use 24/7 scenarios, we have improved delta calculation to ensure events logged during the load process run will reflect correctly in the dimension and fact tables.

Event dimension and fact data now match INX InControl source data

Event dimension and fact data in high-use 24/7 systems are now accurately reflecting all logged events during ETL runs.. The process has been enhanced to ensure all events data is complete and the number of non-deleted events in the dimension and fact tables will match the number in INX InControl at the start of the load process.

Field linking event dimensions to facts no longer contain blanks

The field dbo.fact_Events.FE_Dim_EventID has been enhanced to ensure consistent data is present when linking the fact record to the dimension record

Event Checklists no longer include blank events or dates

A previously missing dependency was added to ensure complete checklist data.

Initial risk values no longer display Current risk values

To ensure accurate data is displayed, the Initial Potential Consequence, Initial Consequence, Initial Likelihood and Initial Risk Assessments have been improved to display the actual initial values.

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