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SubscribeNew competencies, compliances and procedures views and tables are now available, and introducing the Restricted Events Flag
Available from 20 December 2024
New features
New competencies, compliances and procedures (CCPs) views and tables are now available
To enhance your reporting capabilities, including enabling a skills matrix to be built, significant enhancements have been made to the INX InTuition Facts, Dimensions and Analytical views. A summary of these changes are:
- Adding all roles and role CCP requirements
- Making all person CCPs available, not just person role CCPs
- Enhancing person role CCP status reporting to align with InTuition UI
The analytical view vw_BI_InTuitionRoleCCP has been added containing all competencies, compliances and procedures (CCPs) for each role, and to help you get started we have also added this view to the Power BI InTuition Starter Model.
To enable you determine the requirements for CCP statuses (e.g. aware, required, etc), we have added the field FR_CCPRequirementsId to the table intuition.Fact_PersonRoleCCPStatus and added the ID and name to the analytical layer view analytics.vw_BI_InTuitionCCPStatusByPersonAndRole.
The analytical view vw_BI_InTuitionCCPPersonStatusByPerson has been added and contains all CCPs for each person has been added, empowering users to successfully build a capability matrix. To ensure accuracy and enhance your user experience, the analytical view vw_BI_InTuitionCCPStatusDistinctPerson has been removed.
To enable in-depth querying we have also added dimensions containing all CCPs, their equivalent CCPs, their pre-requisite CCPs, and competency requirements (e.g. aware, required). For easier filtering, the CCP statuses (e.g. compliant, exceeded) are now available in their own dimension.
To assist you getting started we have also added the Person CCPs view to the Power BI InTuition starter model.
Introducing the Restricted Events Flag for enhanced event filtering
We are excited to introduce the Restricted Event Flag field to INX+BI. This addition enhances functionality by enabling the filtering of restricted events in the events tables and across 13 analytical layer views.
- vw_BI_Event, vw_BI_EventAction
- vw_BI_EventChecklist
- vw_BI_EventCustomFields
- vw_BI_EventCustomFieldsCardinalRuleBreach
- vw_BI_EventCustomFieldsNotifiable
- vw_BI_EventCustomFieldsOther
- vw_BI_EventImpact
- vw_BI_EventInvestigation
- vw_BI_EventParticipant
- vw_BI_EventURLLink
- vw_BI_EventWorkflow, and
- vw_BI_Injury
Enhancing your data insights with a new Power BI metadata starter model
To help you more easily view data load errors, analytical view SQL definitions, tables and columns, we have created a new Power BI model INX Metadata Starter Model and Dashboards.pbix using the metadata analytical views.
CCP Role Status now available
To enhance your reporting we have added a Role Status field that displays the status of competencies (e.g. competent, in training or competent), compliances (e.g. compliant, expired or not compliant) and procedures (e.g. reviewed or review required) to the person-role-status fact table and made it available in the analytical view vw_BI_InTuitionCCPStatusByPersonAndRole.
Role details are now visible in the InTuition Power BI Starter Model
To further enhance your reporting capabilities, the dbo.Dim_Roles table has now been incorporated into the Power BI InTuition starter model.
vw_BI_InTuitionCCPStatusDistinctPerson view improved and renamed
To easily display the CCP statuses for people not in any current roles, the analytical layer view analytics.vw_BI_InTuitionCCPStatusDistinctPerson has been replaced with the analytics.vw_BI_InTuitionCCPPersonStatusByPerson view and uses intuition.Fact_PersonCCPStatus.
Clearer data representation in multiple tables and analytical layer views
To provide clearer data representation, the intuition.fact_PersonCCPStatus and intuition.fact_PersonRoleCCPStatus tables have been renamed to intuition.fact_PersonCCP and intuition.fact_PersonRoleCCP respectively, and the FR_CCPPersonRoleCCPStatusId and FR_CCPStatusId columns have been renamed to FR_CCPPersonRoleCCPId and FR_CapabilityCCPStatusId respectively. The analytical layer views have also been updated to reflect this improvement.
Enhanced reporting with new fields in the CCP status dimension
To enhance your reporting capabilities and help you distinguish between CCP statuses, we have added six new fields to the CCP status dimension:
- CC_IsCapabilityStatus (whether the status is used in the UI Capability Matrix)
- CC_IsNeedsStatus (whether the status is used in the UI Needs Matrix)
- CC_IsRoleStatus (whether the status is used in the UI Role Status tab)
- CC_CCPStatusDescriptionForCompetency (the status description for competencies)
- CC_CCPStatusDescriptionForCompliance (the status description for compliances), and
- CC_CCPStatusDescriptionForProcedure (the status description for procedures)
New disclaimer on the Large Semantic Model and your Power BI starter model’s size
To help you optimise your operational costs, we have added information about the effects of enabling Large Semantic Models in Microsoft Fabric to the starter models’ Introduction pages.
Additionally, to ensure your Power BI starter model’s remain efficient, we have included guidance on managing model sizes, along with resource links to help you reduce model size, on the front page of the starter models.
Improved release note distribution process
To ensure a cohesive release process, the Release Notes page in each Power BI Starter Model has been removed as the release notes for INX+BI are publicly available. The version and release date will remain conveniently displayed on the Intro page.
Duplicate event records no longer occur
We have improved the events dimension data load to prevent duplicate rows from occurring.
Action status now aligned with UI improvements
The action status now accurately reflects the UI, including the addition of an “Unreleased” status for actions with no completion or due date.
Actual roster days with no plan display show for certain profiles
The process has been improved to show actual roster days (e.g. for manual or leave variations) for profiles not currently assigned to a roster.
Event closeout duration displays NULL for missing dates
If either the event date or event closed out date is NULL, the Event Closeout Duration in Days will now display NULL.
Exposure Hours for all employee classes now supported
Exposure hours for employee classes other than staff and contractors were previously not displayed in the analytics.vw_BI_ExposureHours and analytics.vw_BI_ExposureHoursStatistics analytical layer views.
Data accuracy has also been improved for employee classes, such as “X” (Casual) and “O” (Other), helping enable precise reporting for current and future classes.
Field linking event dimensions to facts no longer contain blanks
We have improved the field dbo.fact_Events.FE_Dim_EventID to no longer display blank data when linking the fact record to the dimension record.
Consistent rendering of the INX InControl Analysis Trend
The InControl Power BI starter model now consistently renders the Analysis Trend visualisation. To prevent DAX function errors, dates on or after 1-Jan-9999, previously used as “n/a” dates, have been removed from the date dimension.
Improved Count of Injury (MTD) measure with current month tracking
The Count of Injury (MTD) measure has been enhanced to only count the current month and will no longer return the previous month’s count.
Improved data integrity in the Event Type data load
We have enhanced the Event Type data load to ensure data integrity, with INX+BI now including previously missing events.