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18 Jun 2024

Optimised table data rendering and additional information display on collapsed Automatic Lab Import cards

V 2.1

Available from 05 June 2024




Optimised table data rendering

Table data in the Insights page has been optimised to render large sets of data.

Additional information displayed on collapsed Automatic Lab Import cards

Users are now able to view additional information on the collapsed Automatic Lab Import cards, including email subject and site.

Improved user interface (UI) formatting

UI formatting has been improved in the Data Table to display when a record is “Unable to Sample”.

Streamlined data import

Users can bulk import data from a formatted Excel spreadsheet instead of requiring a CSV file. 




Time filter update enhancement

The Site Health dashboard time filter range now updates more accurately.

Improved data deletion process

“Other Data” is efficiently deleted when the related Monitoring Point is removed by a user.

Enhanced parameter synchronisation

Parameters have been enhanced for more reliable synchronisation from the Global list to the client organisation.

Optimised Data Table population

The Point list has been optimised to ensure accurate population in Insights > Data Table, even when the point only has historical (Other) data.

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