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SubscribeSimplified access to Sample Values in Data Table and published Monitoring Runs protected from edits to Lab Suites and Parameters
Available from 2 December 2024
Simplified access to Sample Values in Data Table
To enhance navigation and user experience, we have simplified the process for accessing field and lab sample values directly from the Data Table. Previously, updating a sample value required locating the associated published Monitoring Run or Lab Reports. Now, with a direct link available in the right-click dialogue of the Data Table, you can easily navigate to the sample and edit the values as needed — not only saving time by eliminating additional steps but also simplifying navigation to help reduce the complexity of managing your sample data.
Published Monitoring Runs protected from edits to Lab Suites and Parameters
To safeguard data integrity, we have enhanced the Monitoring Run sample form to prevent edits to Lab Suites and Parameters once a Monitoring Run has been published.