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11 Oct 2023

Trailing spaces removed from employment class field names and enhanced INX InFlight site logic to prevent duplicate names

V 5.14.0

Available from 11 October 2023




Trailing spaces removed from employment class field names

We have removed trailing spaces from the PE_EmploymentClassDescription field name in the data warehouse (DWH) Dim_Person table and the EPE_EmploymentClassDescription field name in Dim_EventParticipant. The analytical views referencing these fields have also been updated to reflect this improvement while keeping the original names.

Enhanced INX InFlight site logic to prevent duplicate names

We have enhanced the INX InFlight sites logic in the data warehouse load process to load using their site ID instead of the site name, preventing duplicate site names. With this fix, the DWH sites consistently reflect the accurate source data.

Fixed duplicate INX InFlight ‘Site’ in the InFlight_Dim_Site data warehouse table

We have resolved the issue with duplicate INX InFlight sites that share the same name, ensuring that sites are now loaded into the data warehouse (DWH) by their site ID rather than name. This adjustment prevents duplicates from occurring with sites that share the same name, and now the DWH sites accurately reflect the source data from INX InFlight.

Invalid data in Custom Risk Assessment Sort Order in Power BI InControl Starter Model

The Risk Assessment Sort Order table used in the INX InControl starter model was a table with hard-coded values of ‘Extreme’, ‘High’, ‘Low’, and ‘null’.

We have created the analytical view vw_BI_CustomRiskAssessmentSortOrder to reflect the values from the DWH table dim_FinalRiskAssessment, aligning with what is in INX InControl. The Power BI starter model has also been adjusted to use the new analytical view vw_BI_CustomRiskAssessmentSortOrder for the Sort Order table.

Improved data alignment in vw_BI_Events with distinct ‘Reported By’ names

We have improved the logic in the analytical view vw_BI_Events to combine multiple ‘Reported By’ references into a single comma-separated value, preventing duplicate event records. This fix aligns the data accurately with the source data in INX Core, which allows only a single value in the ‘Reported By’ field.

Reduced blank records in data warehouse tables

We have implemented a fix to address an issue that was causing blank records in the following dimension tables:

  • Dim_CustomFields
  • Dim_DurationOfImpact
  • Dim_EnvironmentalImpact
  • Dim_FinalRiskAssessment
  • Dim_Organisaiton
  • Dim_TimeUnits
  • Dim_Workgroup
  • Dim_EventStatus
  • Dim_InjuryType
  • Dim_Habitat.

This fix has significantly improved the refresh times for the DWH and reduced the database size when handling large datasets.

Enhanced vw_BI_Date for improved date range and clarity

We have enhanced the analytical view vw_BI_Date to include dates from 1 January 2000 and extend contiguously two years into the future, ensuring clarity on all dates. This fix also addresses previous reporting issues in Power BI visuals and improves the accuracy and completeness of your data.

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