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History log redesign, pre-populate your account details when signing in at site, invitation codes and workflow tours

V 1.5.7

Journey reschedule, new improvements and fixes

V 5.12

Improved Approvals process in Events and new fixes

V 5.12

Worksite managers can now view, edit, or verify workflows or invite visitors based on the permissions granted

V 1.5.6

Creating and personalising your access with a branded portal

V 1.5.5

Introducing a way to reduce your contractor and worker connection costs and to better govern your contractors

V 1.5.4

Embed PDFs into forms, new workflow verification service and onboarding experience expanded to individuals

V 1.5.3

Visitor invites, inductions and contactless sign-in solutions

V 1.5.2

Enhancements to training courses

V 1.5.1

Dashboard redesign, my tasks, change roles, group invite and training enhancements

V 1.5.0

Manage several accommodation types across multiple sites, new improvements and fixes

V 5.11

Logging, SSO capability, Window Services migration reliability and security improvements

V 6.2

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