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Schedule ad-hoc reports and introducing Identity

V 5.17

Experience our improved INX InControl mobile application and introducing our new identity access management solution

V 5.17

Introducing INX IGNITION JULY 2024

V 2.0.0

Assign workers as administrators, crop, rotate, and edit profile photos and business logos, and new permissions

V 2.17

Enhanced navigation in the Sampling tab, filter added to automatic lab import records

V 2.5

Merged meteorological and rainfall monitoring types

V 2.4

Enhanced user experience in SAM and new Workflow improvements to the UI and roster documents

V 6.3.48

Introducing new monitoring categories and types

V 2.2

Hide inactive points on the Site Health dashboard and refined data table filter for faster performance

V 2.2

Optimised table data rendering and additional information display on collapsed Automatic Lab Import cards

V 2.1

Introducing an upgraded user interface to Vue3

V 2.0

Introducing streamlined Power BI models and improved ERT Status Code changes

V 5.14.6

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