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Available from 15 January 2021
This release enhances how you manage your team members, contractors and workers. With the new Watchlist feature, INX Sitepass administrators and Worksite Managers can now flag specific team members, contractors or workers to be part of their watchlist. This provides a streamlined view, displaying only the Sitepass users that are relevant to you. Additionally, this feature will also allow INX Sitepass administrators and Worksite Managers to only receives notifications for accounts in their watchlist, if desired.
New features
When your business has a high number of team members; and are connected to numerous contractors or workers, it can be tricky to search and view only specific group of individuals or businesses.
The introduction of the Watchlist feature is especially useful if you want:
- To flag a specific team member, contractor or worker that you are managing or are interested in keeping an eye on their workflow status.
- The system to only display the team members, contractors or workers that you are managing or are interested in.
- To only receive notifications on the team members, contractors or workers that you are managing or are interested in.
For more information, refer to the following knowledge base articles: