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01 May 2023

Bulk assign tasks and obligations, and streamline access and visibility

V 6.3.0

Available from 1 May 2023


Join the waitlist for the INX IGNITION MAY 2023 upgrade now by speaking to your Account Manager or contacting one of our solutions experts.


New features


Bulk actions to reassign ownership and responsibility

A responsible person may have dozens of obligations with hundreds or even thousands of future tasks assigned to them.

Reassigning obligations and tasks when a person changes roles within an organisation, or leaves, is an onerous job that may take hours or days to update. Often companies have resorted to having the obligations and tasks updated by script – though scripting always comes with some risk.

INX InForm 6.3.0 streamlines access and visibility with a range of new bulk action capabilities.

You can now bulk modify assigned users in INX InForm 6.3.0 to change:


·       Obligation owner(s)

·       Obligation endorser(s)


  • Task responsibility
  • Task verifier


You can reassign future tasks to new people via the Task Schedules section within the Administration module.







You can also edit future tasks from this location to update the task details, including the schedule.



Bulk delete capabilities have been added to both the Tasks module and the Task Schedules screen for removing irrelevant future tasks.



These changes will significantly reduce administrative workload and costs associated with maintaining INX InForm when staffing changes occur.

We welcome feedback for further streamlining and improving INX InForm’s efficiency, and you can do so by logging them through the Feature Request menu in any of the INX Software products.





Added site filter to the home screen under Conditions

We have added a new option to the top of the dashboard that allows you to filter statistics based on the site or sites they select. With this new option, you can now view specific metrics tailored to your business operation or organisational site.

This enables compliance managers to focus on specific areas of the business and direct their attention to the results.

When you log in, you’ll be able to access statistics from all the sites you have access to and view them in the dashboard. This is consistent with previous versions of INX InForm, ensuring a seamless transition for users.



Added a “Records with inactive users” pane under Dashboards

A new dashboard pane has been added to make it even easier for compliance managers to stay on top of their obligations and tasks. This improvement will enable users to quickly identify any obligations or tasks that are assigned to inactive users.

Compliance managers will have peace of mind knowing tasks can be completed on time, rather than waiting until they become overdue to discover that they were assigned to someone who has since left the organisation or changed roles.

With this update, if a user is deactivated in INX InControl or INX InFlight, it will flow through to INX InForm. This means that your compliance manager will be able to quickly identify any potential issues with compliance actions not being complete, ensuring even greater assurance and experience for our clients.



Obligation-Conditions conformance improvements

This improvement allows Conditions to be tagged as conformant, regardless of whether any current or historical tasks are overdue. This enhancement enables you to assess conformance independently and provides you with greater flexibility in managing their data.

You can now focus on independently assessing conformance regardless of the administrative status of tasks which gives you more flexibility in managing your data.

There is also more flexibility in assessing conformance multiple times. This means any condition which becomes non-conformant but then returns to a conformant stat on the same can now be recorded more accurately.

With this improvement, you can now easily log multiple conformance assessments with the same status. This means that ongoing assessments of continuing conformity can be conveniently logged and tracked, making compliance management easy.


Cloning tasks to save time

You can now clone existing tasks, making it easier and more efficient to create new tasks that are the same. This allows the user to replicate the main task details, linked topics, conditions, stakeholders and communications under the relationships tab with just a few clicks.



Configurable overdue task notification reminder emails under Tasks

You will now have better control over how often they receive overdue task notification emails, so you are not inundated with notifications for low-priority tasks. This new administrative option will allow you to focus on the most important tasks.

Overdue task notifications will now also be sent based on the task priority as follows:

  • Low priority: On the day of, then every 14 days
  • Medium priority: On the day of, then every seven days
  • High priority: On the day of and every subsequent day (as per current functionality)



In context configuration of stakeholders under Communications



You can now create new individual and group stakeholders seamlessly while adding a new communication record. You will no longer have to worry about abandoning your work halfway through.

You can simply fill out the core details such as name, type and site(s) to finalise the communication process, then you can easily complete the stakeholder records details from the Stakeholders module without any hassle.


 A new communication report is available


We have added a new Communication report to our list of standard reports, which will provide you with a comprehensive overview of all Communications received during your specified period.

This new report comes with a wide range of filtering options, which include:

  • Site(s)
  • Communications date From and To
  • Type(s)
  • Stakeholder(s)
  • Sentiment(s)
  • Topic(s)
  • Sensitivity(ies)

Our new Communication report also honours the in-built sensitivity rules. If the user generating the report has a lower sensitivity permission set, confidential records will have key information hidden from view, ensuring sensitive data remains secure.


Major review of the Task Calendar report

The Task Calendar report has undergone some major improvements to make it even more user-friendly and complete. You can now easily extract and view a clean calendar of tasks to complete, making it easier to review and stay organised (e.g. on a cubicle wall).

Several changes were implemented to enhance the report’s functionality, such as returning each month in the next 12 months, even if no data is present for that month. Additionally, only due dates are displayed, eliminating confusion and streamlining the report’s purpose.

You can now view multiple due dates in the same calendar month for any given task, up to five instances, without overwhelming the report’s length. After five instances, the date particulars are replaced with the text “Multiple” to ensure the length of the report remains stable and usable.

The report’s performance has also been improved, including better timezone conversion of dates and faster generation speed. Formatting has been upgraded as described in the general reporting improvements section, and an issue with occasionally missing task reminder dates has been fixed.


Overhaul of all INX InForm standard reports

We have implemented various formatting improvements across all reports, including standardising the UTC conversion code to ensure that dates and times are displayed relevant to your time zone (where appropriate).

We’ve also removed unnecessary hours and minutes from various date fields, where the time component was not relevant and taking up space.

  • Conditions Summary: Start Date
  • Event – Conditions: Event Date
  • Obligation Status: Expiry Date and Renewal Date

In addition, we’ve ensured that transparent headings now have a solid background colour, preventing any scrolling text from bleeding through the heading row and making it easier to navigate and read through reports.

We’ve also made updates to make the reports more visually appealing and user-friendly:


  • Main title bar – white font on blue background
  • Grouping subtitle bar – Black font on white background
  • Subtitle bar – Black font on light neutral grey background
  • Cell data – Black font on white background
  • Sentiment – White font on red (negative), green (positive) or grey (neutral) background
  • Cell highlight – Black font on light blue background
  • Inactive/closed records – Dark grey font on light grey background


  • Ensured relevant fields had the optimal alignment (left or centre) based on the contents of that column.


  • Reduced line width from 1pt to 0.5pt, giving more prominence to the data instead of the grid itself.
  • Ensured all grid lines are black, removing instances of light grey that became almost invisible when the width was reduced to 0.5pt.


  • Added bold formatting to key columns if it was missing.
  • Removed bold formatting from columns where it was not needed.


  • Replaced the legacy INX InViron logo with the INX InForm logo.

We have also made functional changes to specific reports:


  • Improved the scope of the report to include communication records with the “Communication Type” value containing the word [complaint] instead of requiring an exact match.

Obligation summary:

  • Added code to select all Sites by default so the report could be displayed automatically, and then the filters were subsequently used to narrow the report context to the desired content.
  • Changed header text “Documents” to “Obligations” to reflect the data returned in that column.

Overdue tasks:

  • Fixed an issue where the “Number of Overdue Tasks” value was displaying a total record count instead of the number of unique tasks that were overdue. This prevents recurring tasks with multiple overdue due tasks from being double counted.

Stakeholder Contacts:

  • Renamed “Post Code” to “Postcode” to align with normal conventions and save a small amount of column width.

Task Changes:

  • Fixed an issue where the “Changed From” value was incorrectly paired with the “Changed To” value.
  • Improved formatting of the dates within the “Changed From” and “Changed To” values, including the addition of UTC conversion logic to consider the user’s time zone.


Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

We have simplified the architecture of INX InForm, meaning there are fewer moving parts that could cause problems, such as synchronisation issues for users and sites. This will increase reliability and also make deployments and upgrades faster.

Updates have been made to third-party components to incorporate security, performance and technology improvements. Scrolling through large lists of data, particularly long lists of tasks and obligations, has also been improved system-wide, resulting in a much better user experience.

There have been further enhancements to application logging capabilities, making it easier to debug any reported issues. These logs are of an application nature only, and do not include meaningful client data from within the application.

To improve performance and reliability, the INX InForm-INX InControl application integration logic has been recoded using modern technology solutions.

We have made improvements to the user interface, such as removing inactive sites from the Site Security selector pane (left panel) and removing localisation of start and end dates in the Stakeholder Group Contacts tab. This means dates are no longer incorrectly adjusted against the user’s time zone.

There was an issue where linked obligations would disappear from the display list on the Conditions Details tab when changing tabs, which has now been fixed. Please note, this was a visual display issue only and did not result in any data loss.

We have also resolved a critical issue where an “Incoming request has too many parameters” error was being returned when INX InForm had more than 175 active sites in use, causing the entire dashboard to fail to display. With this issue resolved, you can now use the dashboard with ease, regardless of the number of active sites in use.

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