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Email updates

01 Jul 2023

Send email notifications within the API integration and new fixes

V 5.16.2

Available from 12th July 2023




Sending email notifications within the API

We have made enhancements to improve performance when users attempt to send email notification within the API, ensuring a smoother and more reliable experience.


Bug fixes

Error message displays when deleting an Event

The error message has been reintroduced when attempting to delete an Event with linked Injuries. This ensures the user is alerted to prevent the deletion of any linked items.

Saved comments now displayed on the Event Configuration page

Comments are now displaying as they were saved on the Event Configuration page.

New Actions in Events shows correct text

When symbols are used (e.g. &, > or <), the text in the Observation, Hazard or Non-Conformance field now saves as expected in an Event Report, within the Actions Tab on the Action Editor window.

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