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Email updates

28 Aug 2023

Introducing INX Academy, enhanced Report Configuration page performance and Moodle username duplication fix

V 5.16.3

Available from 28th August 2023




Introducing INX Academy

Our new online training platform is here, with INX Academy now appearing on the INX InControl landing page. This provides you quick and easy access to our comprehensive training program that can help your workforce better protect people and the planet.

Don’t have access to INX Academy yet and want to learn more? Speak to your Account Manager today.


Bug fixes

Navigate to Report Configuration smoothly

You can navigate to the INX InControl > Administration > Report Configuration page and experience improved loading times and page performance.

Update Person details seamlessly while using our Moodle integration 

If you have our INX InTuition integration with Moodle activated, you can now update Person details in an existing INX profile without the system creating duplicate Moodle usernames.

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