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SubscribeNew Workflow system parameters and columns in SAM, new improvements and fixes
Available from 22 August 2023
New features
A new system parameter in Workflow has been introduced
In Workflow, a new system parameter has been created “ForceRequestorToSelectShiftStatus”. The parameter enables you to choose whether requestors are required to enter a room status for a new booking on Folio and Site Travel documents.
- When set to Y, the shift status field is empty, and the requestor is required enter a value.
- When set to N, the shift status will be set to the default values set in SAM on the Room Status page.
A new column has been added to Room Types in SAM
On the page SAM | Admin | Accommodation | Room Types, a new column has been added to display the number of active rooms within each room type.
A new parameter has been added to the Training Document “ActionDays” in Workflow
In Workflow, a new parameter has been added to the Training Document called “ActionDays” to allow the configuration of the number of days away for a Training request.
All mandatory fields have been marked with an asterisk in SAM, Workflow and Workforce Reporting
When creating a new user, all mandatory fields are now marked with an asterisk prior to entering data.
A new report criteria in SAM can split flights into separate tabs or files
SRF304 SAM No Shows now has the new report criteria/splitflightcode, where the report can split flights either onto separate tabs or separate files.
A new item has been added to the Resource Transport Audit
SRF304 SAM No Shows now has the new report criteria/splitflightcode, where the report can split flights either onto separate tabs or separate files.
Report on resources and import a list in SAM’s Profile Master Data
SRF195 SAM Profile Master Data now includes report criteria/rids to allow a user to report on resources and imports a list of specific resources.
Character limit has been increased in SAM
The character limit for a username has been increased to 50 characters in SAM.
Red asterisk now displaying in empty profile fields in SAM
In SAM, when saving a new profile, an empty required field will no longer be displayed with a double asterisk. The asterisk will turn red, until the field has a value entered.
User experience enhancements have been made in SAM
User interface improvements have been made to the parameter CleanUpExpiredGroupBookingMode.
Bug fixes
Source data is now consistent between the request and final approval stages in Workflow
The profile summary uses the same source data between the request and final approvals stages in Workflow.
Error messaging when creating multiselector is now resolved
When creating a multisector in SAM, the error messaging being displayed has now been removed.
No show is now ticked on a transport in Workflow
In Workflow (Site Travel document), the ‘no show’ tick box is now checked on a transport when that transport is marked as a no show in SAM.
Bookings are now extended into the correct room in SAM and Workflow
In SAM and Workflow, the system is now extending the booking into the correct room when a person was being extended on site and the current booking is split.
Default flight ranking is now applied in SAM
The default flight ranking is now being applied when saving a person profile in SAM.
Successfully import new Employers in SAM
You can now successfully import new Employers via the Admin > Bulk Processing > Employer menu in SAM.
Validate confirmed room bookings against SAM
A Folio document now validates confirmed room bookings against SAM.
Profile check box field is no longer required in a Folio document
You can now submit a Folio document when a profile field has been set up as a checkbox that is configured as “Workflow required”. The check box profile field can no longer be marked as required.
Inactive cleaning runs are no longer displayed in drop-down list within SAM
On the Bulk Room Update page in SAM, inactive cleaning runs are no longer displayed in the drop-down list when bulk updating cleaning runs for rooms.