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Available from 26 June 2023
Click on a traveller’s name in Carrier Bookings page
In SAM, on the Carrier Bookings page while viewing the booking status page, a user is now able to click on the traveller’s name and be taken directly to their profile page.
Maximum value of Requested # Rooms has been removed
In SAM, on the Group Booking page, the maximum value of 1000 has been removed from the Requested # of Rooms column.
The Booking Ref # no longer displays on itinerary
In SAM, when parameter ShowBookingRef = N. The Booking Ref# value is not displayed on the itinerary generated from menu SAM | Reports | Transport | Itinerary | By Person OR By Person Accomm & Transport.
Upgrade message update
Upgrade messages have been updated to reflect the correct version of an upgrade.
Task panel will display correct days away in Workflow
In Workflow, a folio request will now display on the task panel with the correct days away to reflect the first affected modified date, inclusive of both accommodation and transport dates. The days away was previously only calculated from a transport date.
AllowSameFlightCodeOnTheSameDay parameter update in SAM
In SAM when parameter AllowSameFlightCodeOnTheSameDay=N, the result message has been updated when a user creates a new transport type that already exists but is inactive.
Warning message update in SAM
In SAM, on the carrier bookings page, a warning message has been introduced to alert users that by editing the ‘Status’ of a passenger will result in the manual override of the flight integration.
Bug fixes
Correct transports displaying in roster
While processing a roster, transports were incorrectly showing as drives when changes were made to the location of the room type and Future Room Ownership.
Waitlisted passengers are being promoted once seat allocation increases
In SAM, where waitlisted passengers were not promoted upon increasing the seat allocation.
Successfully send itineraries when the traveller’s name includes special characters
In Workflow, the send itinerary failed when the traveller’s name included special characters.
SRF323 Permanent Room Owner Utilisation fix
SRF323 Permanent Room Owner Utilisation was incorrectly displaying non room owners.