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SubscribeNew integration with Virgin Australia Regional Airlines, new improvements and fixes
Available from 20 October 2023
New features
New integration with Virgin Australia Regional Airlines (VARA)
Create and cancel flight bookings by using our new integration with Virgin Australia Regional Airlines (VARA). This integration can be accessed through the Carrier Booking API, giving you a more streamlined and convenient booking process.
View inclusions in version upgrade
Effective from release 6.3.41, you will see what’s included in the version upgrade when you update a single report in Workforce Reporting.
Make updates to the flight number of integrated transports
SAM System Administrators can update the flight number of transports integrated through the Carrier Booking API for more accurate data and improve process efficiencies.
Set termination type as inactive
You can now set the termination type within SAM as inactive.
Consistent pop-up message to update all bookings or the same camp
While conducting a Future Room Assignment in SAM, you can now receive the same pop-up message that usually appears when conducting a Permanent Room Assignment. This provides you the option to update all bookings (regardless of camp) or make updates to the same camp only.
You have a more simplified experience and control over your room assignments.
Know how transport records were created
We have updated SRF179 Transport Details in Workforce Reporting to provide you with accurate insights on how transport records were created and streamline your reporting process.
Display improvements in Workforce Reporting
We have made improvements in Workforce Reporting, with the SAM Number (ResNumber) and EmployeeNumber columns now showing the correct values in SRF191 Cleaning Workbook.
New column displaying Group Booking IDs
We have enhanced SRF210 Room Lock in Workforce Reporting to include a new column to display the Group Booking ID from rooms held under a Group Booking.
Initiate an audit request of booking emails sent to camp
In Workflow’s Document History & Comments log, when the final approver ticks the “Email the camp about this booking” checkbox, an audit is now displayed to confirm the email has been sent to the camp.
To activate this improvement, please contact our support desk.
Experience an improved Virtual Page table and Configuration Audit page
The Virtual Page table in Workflow now features an audit display that allows you to easily identify which user modified a virtual page. We’ve also made updates to the Configuration Audit page to provide comprehensive details about when a page has been edited or deleted.
View the Tenement Number when making a booking
When you select a default value for a Tenement Number, you’ll now see that default number when making a booking in SAM and Workflow.
New dedicated landing page for the links menu page
We have created a dedicated landing page for the links menu page to improve the user experience for those who are assigned the workflow user role of “Links Only – can only see the links menu,” in Workflow.
Enhanced performance in Workflow
You can expect faster loading times of loading Folio documents while using Workflow for a more efficient experience. [#48591]
Seamlessly merge a day trip booking with another
We’ve successfully resolved an issue in Workflow that was causing an error message to display when a day trip booking is merged with another booking on a Folio document. For example, by removing the OUT/IN.
Accurate error message displays when rescheduling a day trip
We’ve addressed an issue on a Site Travel Workflow document and in SAM, where rescheduling a day trip would incorrectly display an accommodation error instead of a transport sequencing error.
Improved report performance
Time-out issues in SRF277 Completed Workflow have been resolved, and you can now expect a more improved performance.