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Email updates

01 May 2023

Notification when pre-requisites Competencies and Compliances are not met, Roles summary shows appointments for active INX profiles and fixes

V 5.16

Available from 1 May 2023




Notification that a Competency cannot be added when pre-requisite Competencies/Compliances are not met

You will now receive a notification when you try and add a competency that cannot be added and pre-requisites aren’t met.

The Roles summary page now only shows appointments for active INX Profiles only that hold the role

When you now check the Roles screen, you’ll notice that it displays only the count of active personnel assigned to a specific role. This change was made to provide clarity when the count included both active and inactive profiles. You will now have a more accurate count of the number of active personnel in a particular role.

Training Events Nominations declined by an INX Person no longer show on their Calendar

Declined training bookings now align with how an individual’s training calendar would handle a cancelled booking. Previously, if a Training Nomination was made for a course and the Booking Status was set to declined the event would still show on that individual’s training calendar. This will help individuals better manage their training schedule and reduce confusion.


Bug fixes


INX InTuition and INX InTuition-Moodle integration bug fixes

We have made a series of low-impact bug fixes:

  • Special characters and letters from non-English alphabets used in Workgroups now correctly display in reports
  • Compliance Competency Procedure Variance ensure non-mandatory and developmental are excluded
  • The Procedure Required Ad-hoc report no longer displays the procedures for a Person if the linked role is inactive/expired
  • A user of security level ‘Sub Editor’ is now restricted from viewing Procedures Held and Procedures Required Tabs in InTuition.
  • A user of security level ‘Unassigned Reader’ or ‘Reader’ is now restricted from updating Procedure Folder Locations in INX InTuition
  • A user of security levels Unassigned Readers, Readers or Sub Editors now has Read Only access to risk assessment to all roles within a system
  • The ‘Person Role Status’ report has been corrected to show accurate Expiry Dates for those CCPs which have expiry periods with decimals
  • The ‘Needs Matrix’ and ‘CCP Variance’ report has been corrected to show accurate Compliance levels. Compliances that are about to Expire for a Profile are now considered as Compliant in Needs Matrix and CCP Variance report
  • The Competencies Held (ad-hoc) report has been corrected to show accurate assessed date for competency elements attained
  • Notification emails expiry dates have been corrected when sending a list of expired or about-to-expire competencies and procedures
  • The Version 5.15.1 update script that creates Moodle usernames during an upgrade has been optimised to handle databases with a large amount of INX profiles.
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