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12 Jan 2024

Updated approval page for a new Workflow user

V 6.3.42

Available from 12 January 2024


New features


Updated approval page for a new Workflow user   

We have added a tag field to the final approver view when requesting a new user account workflow. This will increase efficiency for your final approver to add a tag description at the time of approval.  





Performance improvements on the Manage Booking Sequence page 

We have improved the performance of the Manage Booking Sequence page so you can experience faster loading times.

Streamlined roster durations for Workflow Requestors  

We have improved the Workflow Roster document, so requestors can only submit a roster with a roster duration that is aligned to the People Type configuration in SAM.    

The SAM parameter “RosterDuration” will be the default value for the maximum roster duration.  

If the SAM parameter “PeopleTypeRosterDurationsEnabled = Y”, then the maximum duration will follow the related People Type configuration via the menu Admin | People | People types. The menu can be seen below.   

The People Type “Permanent Employee” has a roster duration of 12 months. A Workflow Requestor will only be able to submit a roster document for a duration of up to 12 months. 

If People Type “AllowRoster = Y” and “Roster Duration (months) = 0”, then the roster’s maximum duration is set to default (i.e. SAM parameter RosterDuration). If the parameter is set to “0”, then the system default is 24 months.  



Consistent prompts for identifying mandatory fields     

When saving a new profile, an empty required field will now no longer be displayed with a double asterisk. The asterisk will turn red until the field has a value entered.

Improved system messaging  

We have improved the messaging for room owners when they attempt to book their own room and it is occupied.  

Previously, messaging would only appear for future bookings and not for bookings that were currently in progress. INX SAM users will now see an information bar to provide additional details to, along with a confirmation message.  

Please note, this improvement is not a system behaviour change, only an update to the messaging.

Virtual page improvements in Workflow 

The Virtual page in Workflow will now accept the symbols “< >” and will no longer change them to &lt and &gt. 

SAM Web Services API improvement   

The ‘GetRoomCleans’ SAM Web Services API endpoint has been improved to include the occupant’s name and person number in the return payload. This will assist cleaners to identify who was occupying the room prior to the clean. An example for this use case is for reporting purposes, when belongings are left in a room.   




Accurate SAM dashboard display for the Transport widget    

The Transport dashboard widget will now include passenger numbers for inactive transports for past dates. 

Improved reporting for invalid profiles  

The Workforce report SRF237 Invalid Profiles has been improved to display profiles that have an empty completion date. This is visible when the “Enforce Completion Date” box is checked, under the menu path Admin | People | People Types.

Accurate departure information for generating cleans  

We have applied a fix where cleans were not correctly generating upon the departure from a room due to a room move. 

Flexible multi-sector effective dates  

We have made improvements to allow a SAM user to edit a multi-sector schedule to an earlier effective date. It was identified that a user could extend a schedule past the last date, however, were not able to bring the effective date forward.  

For example, if a multi-sector effective date was today +28, a user is now able to edit this effective date to today +14. 

Hotel checkbox improvements for Room Owners  

An issue was identified where a permanent Room Owner does not have the Hotel checkbox selected in their profile and the room was still able to be booked by another resource. We have now addressed this by not allowing owned rooms to be booked when the hotel checkbox is not selected in the Room Owner’s profile.

Workflow Folio reschedule document has been corrected  

We have addressed the issue in the Workflow Folio reschedule document when attempting to reschedule both the IN and OUT bookings would result in a transport sequencing error. This has now been resolved and users are able to successfully process these requests. 

Accurate cost code updates in Workflow Folio documents  

We have resolved an issue where the cost code failed to update correctly for an adjacent booking when an approver made changes to the cost code before approval on a Folio document. 

Improved SAM user access   

We have resolved the issue where SAM users who do not have access to book rooms were able to do so via the existing Split Bookings functionality.  

Updates to the Workflow conflict warning message   

We have resolved the issue where a final approver in Workflow would receive a conflict warning pop-up that was displaying incorrect data. 

Correct list view display    

We have corrected the List View display within a traveller’s profile and removed the duplicate accommodation entries. 

Inactive rooms in SAM and INX+Advanced Cleaning    

We have identified and resolved an issue within the Night Auditor which will now skip the reallocation of pending cleans for inactive rooms. 

Improvement to virtual room arrivals in SAM and INX+Advanced Cleaning 

We have identified and resolved an issue within SAM and INX+Advanced Cleaning involving couple’s rooms that consist of a master room and virtual room. If the virtual room occupant is booked to arrive on a date before the master room occupant, SAM did not consider this arrival and it was not ranked in INX+Advanced Cleaning.  

Improvements to Workforce Reporting user access  

We have identified an issue with SRF176 where both the Department and Employer filters were not working as expected. When running the report with values added to these filters, the output of the report is displaying records that fall outside of the expected filtered results. 

This occurred when running the report as a user that only has permissions to run reports for specific Departments and Employers.  

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