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New interactive key legend for Site Health dashboard and new dialog box to view overlapping Points within the Site Health dashboard
V 2.17

New time range filters for Site Health and improved Chain of Custody document from unwanted spaces
V 2.16

Simplified access to Sample Values in Data Table and published Monitoring Runs protected from edits to Lab Suites and Parameters
V 2.15

Simplified data table structure for easier analysis and expanded character limit for Monitoring Run titles
V 2.14

Easier lab report preparation in the Chain of Custody document and reduced page loading times for Monitoring Run and Chain of Custody pages
V 2.13

Easily search Chain of Custody with Monitoring Run information and quick access to alerts from your Lab report
V 2.12

Optimised smart alerts for significant changes in lab/field samples and quick access to Alerts from Monitoring Run
V 2.10

Automatic date and weather prefill for the Sample creation form and improved Sampler selection with dropdown menu
V 2.8