Regis Resources Limited is a publicly listed Australian based gold production and exploration company with a proven management team that has a successful track record of developing mid-sized gold operations within Australia and Africa.

The company is a purely Australian gold miner with operations at the Duketon Gold Project in the North Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia and the McPhillamys Gold Project in the Central Western region of New South Wales.

Regis Resources is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all personnel associated with the company’s operations.

To achieve this objective, the company:

  • Operates under a formal Safety Management System on all operating mine sites;
  • Creates and maintains a culture in the workplace whereby employees, contractors and visitors have accountability for maintaining a safe work environment;
  • Ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and other health and safety obligations;
  • Ensures individuals, within their area of control, have the knowledge and resources to identify and effectively control hazards;
  • Reports, records and investigates all incidents and accidents and ensures appropriate measures are taken to eliminate or manage potential hazards; and
  • Provides training, information, instruction and supervision to all staff.
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