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17 May 2023

Create, disable or revoke public API keys, confirmation pop-up and prompt for assessment rejection, new improvements and fixes

V 2.10.0

Available from 17 May 2023


This is a web release only, meaning there is no downtime required.


New features


Create, disable or revoke public API keys

Tenant Admins can now create, disable or revoke Public API keys from the tenant configuration page, to ensure you have security and control while using our new Public API.

View Trainee Report URL is now available

Training Administrators and Assessors can access a new View Trainee Report URL in Trainee Details, which can link to an external report of the trainee. This will allow quicker access to determine your trainees’ qualifications and competency pre-requisites.

For Training Administrators, this link is configured via the Tenant Config field Profile Report URL prefix. By default, the link will be configured to the INX InTuition Role Status tab of the Trainee profile.

Confirmation pop-up and prompt for reason of assessment form rejection

When a Workplace Manager decides to reject an assessment form, they’ll receive a confirmation pop-up and prompt to provide a reason for the rejection. The rejection comment will also be added to the comments section of the assessment form for a more transparent and seamless process.



View enabled column and enabled or disabled users 

Training Administrators can now view the Enabled column when exporting the user .csv file, as well as users who are either enabled or disabled.

Improved sync with INX InTuition

User records with multiple roles, including the role of Assessor, will continue to exist in the system, even if the user is no longer flagged as an Assessor in INX InTuition or through the Public API. This flexibility allows for seamless updates while preserving important user data.


Bug fixes

Approved and rejected form export to .csv file

Instead of exporting any form sync alerts to the .csv file, the export will only capture approved and rejected forms.

Filtering by form dates in Form Sync Alerts date

A fix has been applied to the Form Sync Alerts Date to allow the correct filtering of alerts by form dates.

Created Date of Assessment set as default date

A form’s Assessed Date has been changed to set the default date as the Created Date of Assessment.

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