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SubscribeImproved INX InTuition API performance, revised Form Sync Alerts listings and resend single forms to award competencies
Available from 1 March 2023
This is a web and mobile release, and an update to the INX InTuition Training API. There is no downtime required.
Improved performance of INX InTuition Training API
We have updated our INX InTuition Training API to improve its performance, allowing successful updates to INX Software profiles when awarding competencies and attached PDFs of assessment forms.
Revised Form Sync Alerts listing
We have revised our Form Sync Alerts listing so training administrators can receive a more accurate listing of forms which have not been sent to INX.
Resend single form to award competency in INX
Training administrators can resend a single form to award competencies to a particular INX profile.
Bug fixes
Assessments now retained and synced correctly
Assessments are now being retained as expected when performed offline and syncing to the system once back online.
Filtering by form dates in Form Sync Alerts date
A fix has been applied to the Form Sync Alerts Date to allow the correct filtering of alerts by form dates.