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SubscribeSet future time period to individuals access to workgroup, manage meal requirements, display comments on cleaning calendar and schedule
Available from 24 August 2021
Set future time period to individual’s access to workgroup
This updated functionality enables the administrator to set a future time period to an individual’s access to a Workgroup for example: 0 = immediate effect, 1 = today + 1 month, 2 = today + 2 months.
Manage meal requirements
A new administration page to manage meal requirements has been developed, which can be set with a Rate Type, Rate Code or applied against the Work Status Code. This can be turned on as required; please contact Support for further information.
Cleaning comments displayed on cleaning calendar and schedule
Cleaning comments will be displayed on the Cleaning Calendar and Schedule, with a triangle to indicate when a comment has been made. The source of a cleaning scheduled can be clearly identified. The schedule could be created from one of the following sources: cleaning roster on the room, cleaning roster mapped to the person, A combination of the two mentioned above, Multiple cleaning rosters mapped together.