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Email updates
SubscribeTelstra SMS provider integration, set traveller’s preferred contact method, choose list of recipients and new improvements
Available from 14 June 2019
New features
Telstra SMS provider integration
The first phase of this functionality allows you to send messages via the Telstra SMS service.
Send SMS messages to any or all passengers
Once SMS sending is configured, users can simply go to the Flight Bookings tab and select any or all of the passengers they wish to send a notification to, and select Send Notification.
Set traveller’s preferred contact method
A new setting has been added to Personal Details which will allow users to define how a traveller wants to receive notifications.
Choose list of recipients and edit body of email in Flight Bookings tab
The existing ability to send emails to individual travellers from the Flight Bookings tab has been improved so users can choose a list of recipients and edit the body of the email within the system before sending.
Notification Status
A new Notification Status icon, visible on the flight bookings tab, shows status of when and how a passenger on a flight has been notified.
- Select booked flights from any date
- Include the flight time in Evacuation Report
- Update to ad-hoc reports displaying on flight manifest
- Updates to cleaning calendar
- Update commercial travel to exclude date of birth as a mandatory field
- Scheduler maintenance
- Updates to booking groups